Refund Policy 2020-04-20T14:40:18+03:00 2020-04-20T14:40:18+03:00 Socimania

Do You Refund When It Is Asked?

The only circumstance in which you will receive a refund is if we do not deliver your order within three days of the time in which you first placed your order if the shipment time specified is lesser than three days for the product. If the given time for the delivery is longer than three days, the refund is possible after the given time. However, if your order has been delivered promptly and completely, we will not issue a refund.

If I Want To Cancel My Order, Can I Get A Refund?

We give refunds only if we have not yet placed an order. If your order is in a queue or being processed, your order has been placed and therefore we cannot refund you.

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